"Streisand Superman" is a straight ahead FM radio affair. It arrived to record stores with the hit single, "My Heart Belongs to Me" and the soundtrack to A STAR IS BORN was still charting about. The concept for the record sleeve art came from a scene in ASIB were she wore a pair of mini-short and a baby-doll Superman t-shirt. And, one can't help but note that the whole "Side 2" concept was meant to be a sort of "fuck you" to the people who had so seemed to bank on the doom of her career after she took over the reigns. It also began an odd time when the public was pulled into her lover, Jon Peters' fascination with Bab's butt.

However, it was the 70's. Streisand has always been a proud liberal and was very much a member of the Feminist movement from the start --- so it now seems so odd that she would put her body out there in such a way.
It was later in the fall of 1977 that Streisand agreed to a lengthy interview with Playboy magazine and even pose for it's cover. Playboy had wanted to have Streisand "recreate" the Superman album concept for their cover. Legend has it that when the photographer told her to loosen up a bit she slipped her shoes off and announced that she "took it off" for Playboy. I prize my copy!

But, back to the LP. It is an easy 70's sort of groove. Opening with a "belly-rubbing" sort of sound of ballads. The standout tracks are covers of several songwriters work: Barbra does a great take on Billy Joel's "New York State of Mind" and invests more into "Love Comes From Unexpected Places" than the Kim Carnes tune really deserves. Streisand writes that she felt this would be a great theme song for the film version of LOOKING FOR MR. GOODBAR --- and, presumably, she did approach that film's director with the idea of using it for the Diane Keaton film. He felt it would take from his film's edge and put too much attention on the song. Too bad. Jack Nitzsche arranged her cover of Roger Miller's sexy "Baby Me Baby" --- and it is probably the LP's strongest track.
This is a very enjoyable LP with only one sour note: "Don't Believe What You Read" does not work and does not hold up well some 30 years later.

My two personal favorite tracks from this LP are: "Answer Me" --- a beautiful little song which had been written for ASIB. I've never been able to decide what touches me more about this song - her tender delivery or the words which are so similar to the words one wonders about a new lover. In the end -- those two aspects drive these song right to my heart. It is full of hope and somehow sad at the same time. Magic. The other song I love is actually a light disco song callled "I Found You Love" which is just fun and sexy. I always felt it should have been the single from the album instead of "My Heart Belongs to Me" ....except, you can't help but suspect that Streisand really related to the lyric of that song. And, the general record buying public certainly responded.
Sony did a terrible job the first time out with the mastering of this record, but did a remaster of it in the early 90's which improved it. However, it is still lacking in sound quality. And, sadly, the memorable LP art and liner notes were scrapped when it went to CD. I keep wishing that it would finally get the remaster it deserves and bring us back those notes and fun pictures! ...especially the infamous "Side 2" shot!!!
Well, a boy can dream.

Track Listing:
Don't Believe What You Read
Baby Me Baby
I Found You Love
Answer Me
My Heart Belongs To Me
Cabin Fever
Love Comes From Unexpected Places
New York State of Mind
Lullaby for Myself

hey Barbra Streisand ignorance is a choice you stupid cunt!
kirshce may or may not be a grifter but she is an ignoramous and doesn't do proper research.
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